Learning About Buddhism

Room 10 has been exploring Buddhism this week. We have a large community who follow Buddhism at Glen Taylor School. We started our exploration by tapping into our Mon/Burmese children and their knowledge of Buddhism. We then watched a video about the life of Buddha. We are creating slideshows in groups to share our learning and have started our Buddha art. Sar Yar Mon had an awesome idea- to bring things related to Buddhism to share with Room 10.

This is Sar Yar Mon's Buddha necklace. 

This is Hein's "abadit" - it is a meditating bead chain for children who are learning to meditate. It has 9 beads because when Hein does a prayer he has to rub the beads 9 times.
This is Sar Yar Mon's lucky charm bracelet- you can wear them to protect you and keep you safe.
This is Tracey's adult meditating beads- there are 108 beads on the chain- because when Buddha was born he had 108 patterns on his feet- she meditates everyday before she sleeps.


  1. Has everyone learnt about Buddhism

  2. Room 10, what an awesome learning experience. I'd like to come and visit to learn more about this as my knowledge on Buddhism is very limited! I'd also like to see your learning through looking at your slides. Please get Miss Chand to make a time for me to cime and see you all :-)


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