Crystal Making!

Room 10 was most interested in the crystals we saw when we went to see what other classes had done for science. We made edible crystal out of water and sugar- not everyone liked eating/drinking it- the crystals were yummier then the syrup!


  1. Wow that looks so cool. It's cool how water and sugar can turn into crystals. Great work everybody! :D

  2. I wish that I was there to do the proget but I was at staps

  3. I look pretty cool in that picuture am I right.But the crystal making was way more cool beacause I ate mostd of it. thanks to miss Chand who helped to make the crystals. I look skux in that picture with the crystal.

  4. Hello room 10, Wow I love how those crystals look like but are they edible?. How did you make them?

  5. Hi room 10, I really enjoyed making crystals with you it was really fun but when we tasted it I did not really like it but I only liked the part when we got to make it!!!!
    keep up the good work๐Ÿ‘

  6. Kia ora Miss Chand I remember when we made these we had to put soo much sugar in it water and food coloring, when it was done we got to eat it but it tasted really off and yuck. Keep up the good work.

  7. That was an a amazing time making crystals. Even that was my first time doing it. It was really cool of seeing our the sugar in the water turns out to make a crystal on a stick. Awesome Job!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Room 10! I really enjoyed making crystals but, the taste was way too sweet! What did you think?

  10. Hi Room 10, I really enjoyed making this crystals! I thought it was gonna look like something us but it didn't. When I tasted it was kinda gross and sweet! Keep up the awesome work!

  11. Hi room 10, wow these crystals look even better on camera! It was so fun making them because of the vibrant colors and gooey texture. They weren't really tasty but overall the experiment was a blast!

  12. Hi Room 10 I thought it would be nice but when we first made it we all thought it would be nice and the I turned out to be alright but it was just sugar and water mixed together. I had fun though!

  13. Hello people in room 10 was it fun making crystals candy it was so good but yuck as well because it was not good and it will make you really sick so some people did not eat the cystals candy and i did not like that it was bad because ants like to eat sweet candy and it looked like ants was in that candy but it looked good as well.YUM & YUCK

  14. Hi room 10 the crystal making was awesome it tasted good and it looked weird.

  15. HI room ten when we made it did it fell like you just wanted to eat it because i did when i first saw it.Also the crystal was amazing.

  16. HI room 10 I really like the crystals. I did'nt really like the rock crystals but I really had fun do the crystals Room 10

  17. Hi room 10 hoped you had a lot of fun on that day.

  18. Hi room 10 I hoped all of you enjoyed that day

  19. no fear you's made rock candy

  20. so sad i was not here ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


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